Web site dedicated to ham radio (amateur radio). A great versatile rig that has. Sharing virtually all the same powerful features is the 100W TS - 480SAT , except that it boasts a built-in antenna tuner.

Whichever model you choose, you can be sure of enjoying the best of both worlds with first-rate communications at home and on the trail. One of the few times I purchased a radio and fell right in love with it. Kenwood ts-4and accessories needs.
It has been developed by a team of engineers determined to continue the tradition of excellence and innovation. By Rick Lindquist, N1RL ARR. The SWLing Post Shortwave Radio, Ham Radio, Pirate Radio and all things radio: Your source for news, reviews and community.
Free Delivery on Eligible Orders! Shop with confidence on eBay! This involved sourcing information on the web, as well as collecting all the documentation I could find. It features AF digital signal processing on both receive and transmit.
A quad-mixer provides receiver dynamic range equivalent to that of the TS -9class. GETTING TO KNOW A ‘DIGITAL LADY’S VOICE’! Kevin Romang G4SKN takes the plunge as he joins PW’s review team. High Quality - Huge Range Stocked.
The TS-480SAT delivers up to 1watts. Buy This product requires special order. Despite their compact dimensions, they deliver a 100W punch with a single DC.
After finishing with this small preparation you have to switch on the rig pressing MIC and NR keys. You are now to the service menu of the rig. Despite its compact dimensions, it delivers an astonishing punch: 200W with a DC 13.
Its users find the KENWOOD TS-480SAT very user-friendly. On average, they find it much more reliable than its competitors. On this subject, they are unanimous. Turn off the transceiver and disconnect the antenna and DC supply. Remove the top panel (screws).
Yet its separate control panel is perfect for base station use. TS - 480SAT Description Hide Tailor-made for DXing, the new TS - 480SAT HF transceiver raises the bar on portable performance. WA2DIY XML Subscriber QRZ Page. Everything works as it should.
The users were asked the following question : Is the TS - 480SAT highly efficient? Bay Product Reviews provides user generated reviews. That That information is on page in the TS -4instruction manual center diagram on the TS -4side. Bands covered are 160M, 80M, 60M.
The offer ranges from highly innovative mobile radios with GPS and. What I would like to hear is how they perform from the people who have used them! Air flows in from these fans. AT connector Mates with the connecter from the cable supplied with the AT-3external antenna tuner.

TS-480SAT Description Hide Tailor-made for DXing, the new TS-480SAT HF transceiver raises the bar on portable performance.
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