Rompox is a brand of jointing materials and the Rompox Easy is one of their most well known jointing. Environmentally friendly, cost effective and permanent joint fixing from ROMPOX Easy Pointing Mortar. Due to the open porous structure of ROMPOX - EASY, all the requirements for a water permeable and thus environmentally friendly pavement fixing mortar are fulfilled. The easiest to use pavement fixing mortar. Free delivery on eligible orders of £or more.
A good looking patio is about more than the tiles that you put down. It is about more than style and aesthetic, even if those are essential. Find out more about the fields of application, systems, products and technology of our paving joint mortar. After application it hardens when it reacts with.
THE PROVED PAVING JOINTING MORTAR. Something to make note of when using Jointex or Rompox on a dark patio especially on a hot day we advise on using a lot more water to begin with. The slabs we have found this to happen on is the dark slate paving and the dark. Find great deals on eBay for romex and rolex.

The ROMEX group is a family-run company that is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of synthetic resin-based paving joint mortars and floor coatings. Our video shows the uncomplicated and quick application. Our Jointing Sand is ideal for narrow joints.
The Resiply product is a revolutionary way to joint paving slabs of all varieties, from Portuguese granite to Indian Stone, cobbles and budget paving. It is a German ready-mixed mortar which is incredibly easy to use, and once in place it will last for decades. This product is the easy way to joint your paving. Highly water permeable and easy to use.

Mixed ready to use, this DIY pavement fixing mortar is suitable for pedestrian and light traffic. No weed growth or cement. Roadstone Rompox easy jointing compound is a highly water permeable pavement fixing mortar that allows rainwater to seep into the ground. More than years of own research and development, manufacture in own.
It is no longer a problem to joint paving stones cleanly and permanently, without having to over stretch your budget. The paving joint mortar can be used with almost all types of natural stones, natural and concrete stone slabs as well as clinker surfaces. EASYJoint is a reliable jointing compound that professional landscapers use and recommend. It is ready to use from the tub and requires no mixing.
Des solutions de joints de pavés pour les jardins et les espaces environnants le domicile, les applications plus fréquentes sont : allée de jardin piétonne, terrasse, allée de garage, parking privé. In the United Kingdom, Jointingmortar. Click to view other data about this site. Natural Hydraulic Lime Mortar 3. Stone Pillar Caps ⇧ Click images to view full size ⇧ VISIT US.
Come and visit us at Bridgend where we have a lar. When the resin binder, sand and water is mixed together it creates a slurry that fills big and small jointing gaps between pavers. The absolute minimum joint size on sawn sandstone is 5mm.
We always reccomend a 6-8mm joint as this satisfies the clients needs for a tight joint , while providing a durable joint. Fast Point is a high performance patio pointing product for garden paving. Romex Rompox Jointing Compound.
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