Great Selection of Aquaroll. Free Delivery on Eligible Orders! Our Caravan mains water kit is for use with 40L Aquaroll , Aquarius or Roly Poly fitted with a 80mm side cap.
A safe and reliable way to maintain a constant supply of water to your caravan. Hose Food Grade Designed to give caravans the benefit of running water where mains supply is available. Can be used with any caravan, with no expensive alterations needed. It can also be used with any caravan. There are no expensive alterations as it fits easily to your existing Aquaroll to maintain the water supply to your caravan.
We stock the Whale Aquasource or Truma Waterline mains water supply kits for direct connection to your caravan. Designed to fit most caravan water containers, for use on pitches served by a mains water connection, this adaptor kit allows connection of the water carrier to the campsite supply. It allows the carrier to be maintained at a constant half-full level, whilst your normal submersible pump feeds the supply into your caravan or motor caravan.

Aquaroll caravan accessories, hoses, pipes, adapters and spares for water and sanditation whislt caravanning stocked by Caravan Megastore. In the event of mains supply interruption there is ltr of reserve water in the Aquaroll. No mains pressure inside the caravan so there is no danger of flooding. MAINS ADAPTOR KIT When using mains water this Kit and valve is an economical way to enjoy the benefits of a continuous supply of fresh water to your caravan,. Hi Marcus, Can you describe exactly what you got from Homebase?
Whether you are a first time. Gives the caravan the benefit of running water when a mains supply is available, the mains adaptor can be used with any caravan. The 40L Aquaroll is manufactured to the same high specification as the 29L version but with the added advantage of a facility to connect via the mains adaptor kit. Mains water adaptor kit £24.
This item comes complete with 7. These kits are just the job when you are on a fully. It allows you to connect easily to the mains water supply on any super pitch. Plus this Aquaroll as side opening so you can use a mains adapter to keep it topped up at all times in situ. Aquaroll mains adaptor float valve and two lengths of blue hose and pipe work including connectors. Store your mains adaptor kit in a waterproof storage bag.
The service kit contains all of the parts you will need to replace and service your mains adaptor ball value. Comes complete with caps to fit all the popular water carriers, 7. Fits ltr Aquaroll with side opening comes with 7. No need for expensive alterations. Easy to fit to threaded taop if available on site. Approximately 20l of water held if mains supply affected.

Includes easy to fit ball valve with storage box and. Hitchman Aquaroll to your caravan or motorhome main water supply. You can fit an optional stand and the tap without lifting even when the Aquaroll is full. Next day delivery available.
B-Fresh Pink Toilet Rinse Ltr. Grey Convoluted Pipe Waste Hose per mtr. For the litre Aquaroll. Connect your caravan to a mains water supply when you have the luxury.

Find great deals on eBay for aquaroll mains adaptor.
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